In this article, I'll share with you the 3 biggest mistakes that a lot of people make when it comes to losing weight, creating a diet plan, and maintaining good health.Mistake #1: Not Eating Enough Food
What happens when you don't eat enough food or calories is that your body compensates by slowing down your metabolism. This is definitely not what you want to happen. When that happens, your body "down-regulates"... that means that it slows the rate at which you burn calories.
You actually make it harder on yourself to burn off fat. You may lose weight starving yourself, but it's mostly going to be water weight and muscle... not fat.
Mistake #2: Skipping Breakfast
This is so simple to correct too. I hear it all the time... "I'm not hungry in the morning". Well, that's because you trained your body not to be hungry in the morning by constantly skipping breakfast... or eating very little for breakfast.
If you were to just eat a good, nice-sized breakfast each morning for 4-5 days, you'll start waking up hungry every morning. Why? Because you're training your body to be hungry at that time.
The big reason why skipping breakfast is bad is because you're waking up from sleep in which you haven't eaten in 6-10 hours. Whether you feel like it or not, your body is starving and craving nutrients when you wake up in the morning.
Start the day out right. Eat a meal.
Even better... eat a meal with a lot of protein. Best choice... eggs! Besides maybe oatmeal, nothing is even close. So make 3-4 scrambled eggs each morning.
Mistake #3: Too Many Liquid Calories
The average American now gets over 1/4 of his or her calories from liquids.
It's not a coincidence that we as a nation are getting fatter at the same time. Your calories need to come from foods. Stick with water, green tea, and protein shakes for your liquids. (Note: Protein shakes are the exception to the rule as far as having liquid calories.)
Come on, read those 3 big mistakes again. They aren't very hard to correct. Trust me, I've seen these time and time again with hundreds of my clients. And guess what... that's why they are my clients.
Hey, it's nothing exciting... I know. But, if you correct these 3 big mistakes, you'll dramatically improve your weight loss efforts and improve your health. So don't ruin your diet and health, make the change today.
Before leaving, Here’s 100+ healthy & tasty free keto recipes that can help you reach your fitness journey.
Reference by: Jennifer Jolan